Wednesday, March 2, 2011

★University Starts★

NOOOOO!!! University has started and its so depressing. I can't even open my eyes in the lectures. Well in one of my classes the lecturer talks for ages and its so boring, however my studio drawing classes are amazing! my teacher is from America and hes funny (*^◎^*) so that class makes uni not as boring. My social life is also going crazy at the moment. My friend from Singapore is back, so she's been asking for me to go out with her to IKEA and shopping. Then my high school friends have asked me to go out this Saturday to drink up with them and then head out to the casino. My Australian friends from Primary/High School have asked me to go out with them tomorrow night. I don't really want to go out, but i keep thinking if i don't go out they'll be annoyed and think im avoiding them, then later on won't invite me anywhere. Not only is my social life getting to my brain, but i have to balance out my work life, social, love, university and family life. Quite bothering /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ brain is going to explode. Right now i kind of want to be a hermet crab and just focus on my studies and work. I just hope everything falls into place as soon as possible cause i really think im going to go nuts! (+﹏+)~

SO! back to something more interesting, ive got new magazines!!! yaaaaaaaay!!! Steady and Spring! they're more simple, yet stylish fashion magazines, which i think would suit me best. Don't get me wrong, i absolutely adore Popteen, Popsister, Jelly and other magazines aswell, but these magazines suit the style where i live. If i over dress or do my make up GAL style everyone would just be staring as i walk down the street...pretty awkward for me (T_T) i really want to do GAL style! but would need to go to a more fashionable city to do that. i got to think to myself one day i will be able to do GAL style!

And ill just photo blab about the dog i want aswell...a toy poodle! i don't mind if its crossbreed either. I've also decided on the name too. If its a boy im going to name it Cooper or Toto and if it's a girl im going to name it Bonnie. So far they are the names ive chosen, but i may change them when another name i like comes across my mind (>_<)


  1. Good luck with the new semester! Hehe you look so cute ;)

  2. Wah you're life certainly is busy! I hop you're able to balance everything out hee hee

    Toy poodles are adorable! I used to have small doggie, he was a toy poodle and yorkie mix!!! So adorable, I think mix breeds are just as cute as pure breds =D I love doggies that wear clothes too hahahaha If someone dresses all gal style or all hime gyaru, a lot people will stare in my city too lol so not too may people dress lik that, or only in a certain area, but I agree the style is so nice!
